Loading a License

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NFIRS 5 Alive is licensed by a Microsoft Word file. Simply open the Word file and copy the paragraph of encrypted text contained in the license.


With the paragraph of encrypted text loaded in your clipboard open NFIRS 5 Alive. Press the Preferences button.






Press the "Get Authorization" button to load the text from the clipboard into the area on the left. Press the "Process Authorization" button to decrypt the text and license the application.


If requested, enter the 7-digit number provided with your installation or upgrade instructions.


If you see your fire department information appear in the upper portion of the page just press "Accept" and your NFIRS 5 Alive system is licensed.


A second licensing system is used to control upgrades. This upgrade license is a 7-digit serial number that may be requested if you are upgrading your system to a new version of NFIRS 5 Alive.  The 7-digit serial number is furnished when you request an upgrade.