NFIRS 5 Alive - Documents
NFIRS 5 Alive has many powerful features. This area provides a collection of documents designed to help you get the most from your NFIRS 5 Alive investment. Check back here regularly for new documents linked to this page.
NFIRS 5 Alive 2012 Documentation - 2012 (Revised 5/29/2012)
This is the updated documentation in PDF format. This 182 page manual includes a full index.N5Alive_Docs.pdf
NFIRS 5 Alive Upgrade Manual - 2012 (Revised 5/21/2012)
Many powerful features have been added to the 2012 release. Click on the link below for a 28-page description of new features as well as set-up instructions for the new dashboard and revised Risks module.Upgrade2012.pdf
Best Practices Manual
This 78-page manual describing the evolution of fire department performance measurements. It provides a valuable explanation of contemporary measurements including fractiles, compliance and reliability.BestPracticesAnalysis.pdf
Trouble-shooting CAD Imports
CAD data imports provide timestamps missing from basic NFIRS 5 data transactions. This document provides a check-list designed to trouble-shoot any problem you may be having with a CAD data import.CADDataChecklist.pdf
Quality Improvement Dashboard - Overview
This overview document describes how NFIRS 5 Alive imports CAD data to provide a "live" performance dashboard. This overview outlines the data handling process.QIDashboard.pdf
Quality Improvement Dashboard - Setup
This document provides a step-by-step process for setting-up a "live" quality improvement dashboard in NFIRS 5 Alive. Topics include an in-depth discussion of the CAD data necessary to power the dashboard.QIDashboardSetup.pdf
Risks Setup
The 2012 release of NFIRS 5 Alive includes a powerful Risk Management tool. This document covers how Risks are handled in the new release.RiskSetup.pdf
Distribution & Concentration Matrix
The Distribution and Concentration Matricies are fast and powerful performance measurements.. This document explains the measurements in each matrix.DistributionMatrix.pdf
Matrix Example
NFIRS 5 Alive can publish hundreds of pages of performance measurements in a single PDF. Here's an example PDF for the fictitious West City Fire Department.WestCityExample.pdf
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